The Arts

Art workArt workdramaguitar

Fraser Primary School is proud to provide an extensive and inclusive Performing Arts program that offers students across all year levels inspiring, enriching and engaging opportunities to express themselves creatively in music, dance and drama. We believe a shared Performing Arts experience across our school community encourages and fosters confidence, team work and a sense of belonging.

All students from K-6 participate in weekly music lessons in the Performing Arts room. The room provides a flexible work space for students to work comfortably in group and whole class activities and is equipped with an extensive range of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments, ukuleles and recorders. Music lessons provide students with the opportunity to create, present (formal and informal performances) and appreciate a range of art forms.

There are many extra opportunities for students to experience the broader creative world that Performing Arts offers through excursions, incursions, visiting performances, choir, recorder ensemble and regular jam sessions. Fraser Primary School students also  have the opportunity to participate in an bi-annual musical production performed at Gungahlin College Theatre which provides an authentic live theatre experience.

Students are also taught elements of Visual Arts, Dance, Media Arts and Drama throughout the year.  The Awesome Art Show is a biannual community event held at Fraser Primary School which celebrates students creativity, design and development in the Visual Arts.

Instrumental Music Program

During term one all Year 5 students are assessed for inclusion in the Instrumental Music Program ACT (IMPACT). Twenty three students are selected for this two-year program. Please visit the Instrumental Music Program website.